Words by David Hollows
Our Adventurous God
Praise the Lord! Praise, O servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and forever. From the rising of the sun to the going down of it and from east to west, the name of the Lord is to be praised.
(Psalm 113 verses 1 – 3)
Worthy of praise from every mouth, of confession from every tongue, or worship from every creature, is your wonderful name our God. For you created the world in your grace and by your compassion you saved the world. To your majesty thousands and thousands bow down and adore, singing and praising without ceasing; Holy, Holy, Holy is our Lord God of Hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your praises. Hosanna in the highest, O Lord our God.
Please now spend as much time as you are able singing your praises and giving thanks to God in song. You may wish to sing along to CDs or YouTube and you may like to include the following golden-oldie hymn;
All the way my Saviour leads me (Mission Praise 22)
Photo by Benjamin Davies via Unsplash
Now please take this opportunity to continue in the presence of our God to give Him your prayers of gratitude and praise for all He has given to you and has meant to you in the past week. You may wish to use the following prayer:
You are holy, Lord. You are the only God and your deeds are wonderful. You are strong and great, you are the most high and almighty. You are the King of heaven and earth, you are Three in One. You are supremely good, living and true. You are love and wisdom, humility and endurance. You are rest and peace, joy and gladness. You are justice and moderation, you are all riches and sufficient for us. You are our protector, guardian and defender. You are our courage, haven and hope, our goodness and gentleness. You are our faith and our great consolation. You are our eternal life, our great and wonderful Lord. You are our God, our merciful Saviour.
Bible reading; the Gospel of Matthew chapter 4 verses 13 to 22
'And Jesus said to them; ‘Come with me, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.’
(Matthew chapter 4 verse 19)
If you grew up in the era of Enid Blyton, you will probably be able to recall the many adventure books she wrote of the famous Five or Secret Seven or you may have encouraged your children to read these adventure novels which today have been replaced by Harry Potter.
Can you remember any adventures that you have had in your life; your first camp as a member of the Guides or Scouts perhaps or a first holiday with friends and without parents?
Other one-day events may have been significant in your life; your first day at school, leaving home for university, your first day at your first job, your wedding day, the birth of your children.
For some of us, these events can be classified as; the first day of the rest of your life.
The Bible is full of such days as the event of the day had such a significant impact on the life of those involved. Here are some of the adventures you will find in God’s story; The call of Abraham to leave his home and city and to go on an adventure with no road map and no clear direction (Genesis chapter 12) The knock on the door for Rahab as she then hides 2 of the spies sent out by Joshua (Joshua chapter 2)
The fantastical escape of the Israelites led by Moses through the Red Sea (Exodus chapter 14) The vision Isaiah has of God in heaven (Isaiah chapter 6) The encounter Mary has with the angel Gabriel and his message to her from God (Luke chapter 1)
The conversation at the well between Jesus and the Samaritan woman (John chapter 4) The boy whose picnic becomes a miracle (Mark chapter 6) The key accounts of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus (Luke chapters 23 and 24) All these events had a massive impact on the lives of those directly involved as key participants or as bystanders. All were left with a memory.
The Gospel account of the invitation from Jesus to Simon and Andrew, James and John to leave their nets and follow him, not only was a one-off event but left the significant memory of a life-time of adventures before and after the Cross. The disciples spent 3 years with Jesus learning their missionary skills then many years after the resurrection applying these in so many different situations in Israel and beyond. That one moment of a decision to go with Jesus was the first day in the rest of their lives.
As a Christian, do you remember that moment when you said ‘Yes’ to Jesus? For this moment was not only the first day in the rest of your life – here on earth, but it is for eternity as well.
Photo by Julentto Photography via Unsplash
If you have not yet responded to the call of Jesus, it is never too late – perhaps this is the moment when you begin to live the first day of the rest of your life – with Jesus
Our brother Jesus, you set our feet upon the way and sometimes where you lead we do not understand nor like. Bless us with courage when the road is fraught with danger or dread. Bless us with graceful meetings and good companions. Bless us with good humour and humility to share with those we meet. Bless us with love, given and received and bless us with your presence, especially in those times when we think we have lost you. Bless in all our wanderings and adventures that we may be your blessing to others we meet on the way. Bless us, lead us, love us and bring us home to God bearing the gospel of life.
Please now spend time in God’s presence asking Him to bless those who are heavy on your heart. You may wish to include the following prayer:
We pray for our friends that they may lead happy and contented lives. We pray for any friends with whom we have quarrelled that there will be reconciliation. We pray for those who are living in a new setting and lack friends. We pray for those who have lost their friends, by the way they live or distance or death. We pray especially for those who befriend the friendless. Grant that we may lead all our friends closer to you, Jesus.
The Lord’s Prayer
Please now spend your time praising God perhaps with your favourite hymns/songs. You may like to sing the following hymn:
One more step along the world I go (Hymns and Psalms 746)
The Blessing:
May the road rise to meet you and the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rains fall softly on your hands and feet. And until we meet again, may God hold you secure in His love. Amen
Extra: if you have access to YouTube either on-line or TV, please try this new worship song:
Thank you for sharing your worship with us. God bless you